John Milton : Paradise Lost Book - I
The theme of the 'Paradise Lost'. John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' is the greatest epic in English Literature and among the greatest in literature. Milton took about a decade to write it and several decades in acquiring knowledge and preparing himself for this lofty task for fulfillment of his ambition of producing extraordinary work. The theme of 'Paradise Lost' is the 'fall of man' from paradise on account of his sin. Milton has tried to show that every action of man, however, insignificant has its consetulence. Adam and Eve commit a trifling error of eating the forbidden fruit in their weaker moment, but they are punished for it. The obvious meaning of Milton's treatment of the fall is that it is the first duty of man to understand the issue of life and to be aware of importance of every trivial act. His principal concern is that man must make the right use of every moment of his life, because every action of his is irrovocable. Milton...